GROUP 1 | Organizational Accreditation |
G1.x.1 | Standard for Sectoral Human Capital Empowerment |
G1.x.2 | Standard for Sectoral Innovation |
G1.x.3-n | Standard for Sectoral Professional Practices |
Group 2 | Individual Accreditation |
G2.A | Authority-Base Accreditation (The Enabler, i.e. empowerment by positional level – Supervisor, Executive, Manager, Director.) |
G2.B | Broad-Base Accreditation (The Driver, common functional accreditation, e.g. HR, supply chain, brand stewardship, mgmt. system, etc.) |
G2.C | Competency Accreditation (industry specific) |
Standard G1.A | Agriculture, forestry and fishing |
Standard G1.A.1 | Standard for AFF Innovation |
Standard G1.A.2 | Standard for AFF Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.A.3 | Standard for Environmental Harvest Sustainability |
Standard G1.B | Mining and quarrying |
Standard G1.B.1 | Standard for MQ Innovation |
Standard G1.B.2 | Standard for MQ Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.C | Manufacturing |
Standard G1.C.1 | Standard for MFC Innovation |
Standard G1.C.2 | Standard for MFC Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.D | Electric, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
Standard G1.D.1 | Standard for POW Innovation |
Standard G1.D.2 | Standard for POW Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.E | Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
Standard G1.E.1 | Standard for WAT Innovation |
Standard G1.E.2 | Standard for WAT Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.F | Construction |
Standard G1.F.1 | Standard for CON Innovation |
Standard G1.F.2 | Standard for CON Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.G | Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
Standard G1.G.1 | Standard for WRR Innovation |
Standard G1.G.2 | Standard for WRR Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.G.3 | Standard for WRR Customer Partnership |
Standard G1.H | Transportation and storage |
Standard G1.H.1 | Standard for TSL Innovation |
Standard G1.H.2 | Standard for TSL Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.I | Accommodation and food service activities |
Standard G1.I.1 | Standard for AFB Innovation |
Standard G1.I.2 | Standard for AFB Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.I.3 | Standard for AFB Customer Partnership |
Standard G1.J | Information and communication |
Standard G1.J.1 | Standard for ICT Innovation |
Standard G1.J.2 | Standard for ICT Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.K | Financial and insurance activities |
Standard G1.K.1 | Standard for BFI Innovation |
Standard G1.K.2 | Standard for BFI Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.L | Real estate activities |
Standard G1.L.1 | Standard for RE Innovation |
Standard G1.L.2 | Standard for RE Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.M | Professional, scientific and technical activities |
Standard G1.M.1 | Standard for PST Innovation |
Standard G1.M.2 | Standard for PST Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.N | Administrative and support service activities |
Standard G1.N.1 | Standard for ASA Innovation |
Standard G1.N.2 | Standard for ASA Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.O | Public administration and defense; compulsory social security |
Standard G1.O.1 | Standard for PAD Innovation |
Standard G1.O.2 | Standard for PAD Public Care & Experience |
Standard G1.P | Education |
Standard G1.P.1 | Standard for EDU Innovation |
Standard G1.P.2 | Standard for EDU Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.Q | Human health and social work activities |
Standard G1.Q.1 | Standard for HSW Innovation |
Standard G1.Q.2 | Standard for HSW Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.Q.3 | Standard for HSW Public Care & Experience |
Standard G1.R | Arts, entertainment and recreation |
Standard G1.R.1 | Standard for AER Innovation |
Standard G1.R.2 | Standard for AER Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.S | Other service activities |
Standard G1.S.1 | Standard for OSA Innovation |
Standard G1.S.2 | Standard for OSA Human Capital Empowerment |
Standard G1.T | Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use |
Standard G1.T.1 | Standard for AOH Innovation |
Standard G2.A | Authority Accreditation (Positional) |
Standard G2.A.1 | Competent Director |
Standard G2.A.2 | Competent Manager |
Standard G2.A.3 | Competent Executive |
Standard G2.A.4 | Competent Supervisor |
Standard G2.B | Broad-Base Accreditation (Functional Competency) |
Standard G2.B.1 | Human Capital Professional |
Standard G2.B.2 | Supply Chain Professional |
Standard G2.B.3 | Brand Stewardship Professional |
Standard G2.B.4 | Management System Stewardship |
Standard G2.C | Competency Accreditation (Industry Specific) |
Supplementary Requirement |
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