The SPIDER Pathway


Series of SPIDER Accreditation

GROUP 1 Organizational Accreditation
G1.x.1 Standard for Sectoral Human Capital Empowerment
G1.x.2 Standard for Sectoral Innovation
G1.x.3-n Standard for Sectoral Professional Practices
('x' codified base on the United Nation's International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities)

Group 2 Individual Accreditation
G2.A Authority-Base Accreditation (The Enabler, i.e. empowerment by positional level – Supervisor, Executive, Manager, Director.)
G2.B Broad-Base Accreditation (The Driver, common functional accreditation, e.g. HR, supply chain, brand stewardship, mgmt. system, etc.)
G2.C Competency Accreditation (industry specific)

Series 1: Organizational Accreditation

Standard G1.A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Standard G1.A.1 Standard for AFF Innovation
Standard G1.A.2 Standard for AFF Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.A.3 Standard for Environmental Harvest Sustainability
Standard G1.B Mining and quarrying
Standard G1.B.1 Standard for MQ Innovation
Standard G1.B.2 Standard for MQ Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.C Manufacturing
Standard G1.C.1 Standard for MFC Innovation
Standard G1.C.2 Standard for MFC Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.D Electric, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Standard G1.D.1 Standard for POW Innovation
Standard G1.D.2 Standard for POW Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Standard G1.E.1 Standard for WAT Innovation
Standard G1.E.2 Standard for WAT Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.F Construction
Standard G1.F.1 Standard for CON Innovation
Standard G1.F.2 Standard for CON Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Standard G1.G.1 Standard for WRR Innovation
Standard G1.G.2 Standard for WRR Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.G.3 Standard for WRR Customer Partnership
Standard G1.H Transportation and storage
Standard G1.H.1 Standard for TSL Innovation
Standard G1.H.2 Standard for TSL Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.I Accommodation and food service activities
Standard G1.I.1 Standard for AFB Innovation
Standard G1.I.2 Standard for AFB Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.I.3 Standard for AFB Customer Partnership
Standard G1.J Information and communication
Standard G1.J.1 Standard for ICT Innovation
Standard G1.J.2 Standard for ICT Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.K Financial and insurance activities
Standard G1.K.1 Standard for BFI Innovation
Standard G1.K.2 Standard for BFI Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.L Real estate activities
Standard G1.L.1 Standard for RE Innovation
Standard G1.L.2 Standard for RE Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.M Professional, scientific and technical activities
Standard G1.M.1 Standard for PST Innovation
Standard G1.M.2 Standard for PST Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.N Administrative and support service activities
Standard G1.N.1 Standard for ASA Innovation
Standard G1.N.2 Standard for ASA Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.O Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Standard G1.O.1 Standard for PAD Innovation
Standard G1.O.2 Standard for PAD Public Care & Experience
Standard G1.P Education
Standard G1.P.1 Standard for EDU Innovation
Standard G1.P.2 Standard for EDU Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.Q Human health and social work activities
Standard G1.Q.1 Standard for HSW Innovation
Standard G1.Q.2 Standard for HSW Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.Q.3 Standard for HSW Public Care & Experience
Standard G1.R Arts, entertainment and recreation
Standard G1.R.1 Standard for AER Innovation
Standard G1.R.2 Standard for AER Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.S Other service activities
Standard G1.S.1 Standard for OSA Innovation
Standard G1.S.2 Standard for OSA Human Capital Empowerment
Standard G1.T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use
Standard G1.T.1 Standard for AOH Innovation
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Series 2: Individual Accreditation

Standard G2.A Authority Accreditation (Positional)
Standard G2.A.1 Competent Director
Standard G2.A.2 Competent Manager
Standard G2.A.3 Competent Executive
Standard G2.A.4 Competent Supervisor
Standard G2.B Broad-Base Accreditation (Functional Competency)
Standard G2.B.1 Human Capital Professional
Standard G2.B.2 Supply Chain Professional
Standard G2.B.3 Brand Stewardship Professional
Standard G2.B.4 Management System Stewardship
Standard G2.C Competency Accreditation (Industry Specific)
  Supplementary Requirement
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